Yan Lianke

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Yan LiankeYan Lianke
  1. Yan Lianke used this kind of dead Narration technique in his early novels .


  2. Yan Lianke is good at exploring the meaning and value of life in miserable conditions .


  3. Yan Lianke is a writer with the high consciousness of the fiction style .


  4. Yan Lianke explores and excavates the root of suffering constantly .


  5. Above , Yan Lianke outside his house , to be demolished .


  6. The army writer Yan Lianke not only writes stories about the army life , but also novels about life in rural areas and of common people .


  7. This may provide a new angle of view for the study about Yan Lianke ' sfictions , and enriching and add to his novel research .


  8. Yan Lianke , a new regional novelist , so as to discover his concern of the man earth and man regional consciousness relation and how he values them in regional novels .


  9. The violence of death in YAN Lianke 's novels is a unique literary landscape , which constitutes the general background and the basic image of his " Palou Mountains " .
